Walnut Word of the Day 10-30-2024
The Bible, in the book of Lamentations 3:22-25 and 40-41, declares that the love of the Lord is steadfast. The love of God flows like an endless river, with mercies that are renewed daily and faithfulness that is vast, veracious, and victorious. Those who choose to wash, wade, worship, and find wonder in the steadfast love of God will discover eternal life, eternal hope, and everlasting peace. The Lord will bless the person who patiently seeks Him. Don’t let impatience, ingratitude, and an incomplete understanding hinder you from diving into the deep waters of God’s steadfast love, found in a daily relationship with Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, test and examine our ways, that we may truly turn to You and lift up our hearts and hands to You in heavenly reverence!
TJ Joyner