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Our Beliefs

Baptists are a fellowship of Christians who…by Dr. Bill Pinson

Hold certain beliefs

  • God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • The Lordship of Jesus Christ
  • The Bible as the sole written authority for faith and practice
  • Soul competency, accountability, and responsibility
  • Salvation only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  • The security of the believer who has responded to God's grace through faith
  • The priesthood of each believer and of all believers in Christ
  • Baptism of believers by immersion
  • Church membership voluntarily entered only by baptized believers
  • Baptism and the Lord's Supper as meaningful to, but not necessary for salvation

Cherish practices based on these beliefs

  • Congregational governance of a church by the baptized believer members
  • The autonomy of each local body of baptized believer priests
  • Religious freedom and its corollary, the friendly separation of church and state
  • Voluntary cooperation for the advancement of the cause of Christ

Champion causes based on these beliefs and practices

  • Evangelism—sharing God's Good News of salvation with all people
  • Missions—taking the Good News of salvation to all people in all places
  • Ministry—caring for the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs of all people
  • Christian education—providing academically excellent Christ-centered teaching
  • Social concern—acting to correct conditions of society contrary to the Word of God

Establish organizations to help carry out these beliefs, practices, and causes

  • Churches
  • Associations/Networks of churches
  • Conventions, unions, societies, alliances, and fellowships
  • Institutions, such as schools, medical centers, and homes for children and the aged