T - Turn - For truth to transform an ungrateful heart one must turn to the Lord in faith and unite the heart with those who listen (vs 1-2).
R - Rest - (vs 3-5) - For truth to transform an ungrateful heart one must rest through repentance. When a person turns to the Lord, rest from regret, guilt, bitterness(and a multitude of other ailments) can be found.
U - Unwavering - (vs 6) - For truth to transform an ungrateful heart one must have unwavering trust in God.
T - Today - (7) - For truth to transform an ungrateful heart today is the day to cultivate thankfulness.
H - Help - For truth to transform an ungrateful heart keep 4:12141516 on speed dial.
I have a GHP who is the word of God living, active and sharper than any sword.
I have a GHP who passed through the heavens
My GHP is Jesus the Son of God
I have a GHP who sympathizes with my weakness and gives me power over all temptations.
I have a GHP that I can draw near to with confidence, receive mercy and find grace to help in my time of need.