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Don’t Slip and Slide Into Syncretism

October 9, 2023, 9:03 AM

“Don’t Slip and Slide Into Syncretism”

2 Peter 1:1-15

Sermon Notes 10/08/2023

To develop hands-on Christianity and not slip and slide into syncretism…

-know the who and the whose (vs 1)

-multiply and don’t let the enemy divide (vs 2)

-escape the corruption (vs 3-4)

- take your supplements (vs 5-8)

- check your eyesight (vs 9)

- confirm your calling (vs 10)

- focus on making an entrance (vs 11)

- be established in the truth (vs 12)

- be unafraid to stir it up (vs 13-15).


Don’t slip and slide into syncretism, instead stand out as one who believes, one who is good , one who has knowledge and self-control, one who is steadfastness with godliness, one who is godly and displays genuine care and concern for others, one who loves sacrificially. 


Check your heart, check your thoughts, check your lifestyle and daily choices, have you slipped into syncretism? 

If so, run back to God, repent and receive forgiveness and restoration.